Thursday, January 17, 2013

Second Chance

It is amazing how much time you have on your hands when you are not drinking.  I guess when I was drinking 6-8 beers a night I was lazy.  My kitchen has never been clean this many days in a row!  I also was in the bad habit of going to sleep without taking off my makeup.  Since diving into this healthier path I have notice a lot changing about myself...

1. I have been starting to eat better.  Not counting calories or anything.  Just eating healthier.  I am lucky to live in a place that has a farmers market with an organic grocery, a Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and an organic depot.  There are probably more out there that I don't even know about.  Even before I started my non-drinking trip I started eating more vegetables and less of the crap. 
2. I am diving more into my religion.  For years I have known that I am not Christian.  Over ten, in fact.  It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized that nature was my religion.  I don't even know if I would technically call myself a Pagan.  But, I am going to my first class tonight where all types of paganism will be discussed (Shamanism, Druidism, Wicca), along with other areas of the practice.  Should be interesting.  I am also looking to go to the local Universal Unitarian Church. 
3. I have made my first appointment with a shrink.  I know that I shouldn't call them that, as it makes it seem as though I am not serious about it.  But trust me, I am.  I have know for a long time that I have a lot of underlying issues that have never been dealt with.  It is amazing how one person, or in my case more than one person, can affect your life for the long run.  I have to get rid of the ghosts.

Those are the three big ones that I am working on now.  This blog, along with my mentor Unpickled's blog, will help me along my journey.  It is nice to see other people battling right along with me and giving me strength.  Oh, and I have I mentioned that I am on day four?  Go me!

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